//**__Welcome to [[http://frogwares.com/company|Frogwares]]__**// created in 2000, Frogwares is an independent video game development studio. Thanks to the work of a talented team of 60+ artists and programmers, Frogwares games available for major gaming platforms, including Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3DS, Wii, PC and mobile. With over 7 million units sold in the last decade, Frogwares continues to develop a rich portfolio for the new generation of consoles: Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
\\ \\ ==== Documentation ==== this wiki was created for convinience of Frogwares team. Here we'll maintain all our documents regarding our workflow: general information and documents concerning our current projects. Wiki platform is simply in use and has such convinient functions as crosslinking. Here is a brief __manual how to work with__ **[[unreal_engine_4:other:wiki:homepage|Wiki]]**. \\ Right now wiki has such a structure and is divided into three categories: | **[[:TheSinkingCity:HomePage|The Sinking City - current project]]** | | **[[:TecnicalLinks|Technical Info]]** \\ | | **[[:unreal_engine_4:HomePage|Frogwares Info]]** | | **[[:SherlockHolmes9:HomePage|Sherlock Holmes 9 (temporary name)]]** | \\ ^ [[:TheSinkingCity:HomePage|TheSinking City]] ^ | {{:sc.jpg?200&nolink }} //“We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of the infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.” — H.P. Lovecraft, “The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Stories”// \\ \\ This section has all the info regarding our current project - The sinking city. Here is such main categories as [[thesinkingcity:tscgame:homepage|TSC Game]], [[thesinkingcity:tscquests:homepage|TSC Quests]], [[thesinkingcity:gameplayfeaturesandsystems:homepage|Gameplay features and systems]],[[thesinkingcity:tools:homepage|Tools]], [[thesinkingcity:city:homepage|City]], [[thesinkingcity:characters:homepage|Characters]], [[thesinkingcity:sound:homepage|Sound]], [[thesinkingcity:milestones:homepage|Milestones results]]. | //Sections which are out of projects and are always up-to-date:// ^ [[:TecnicalLinks|Technical Info]] ^ | {{:v1.jpg?nolink&200 |}} This section contains general technical information which is always up-to-date. It's from previous years and currently updated (out of projects). | ^ [[:unreal_engine_4:HomePage|Frogwares Info]] ^ | {{:v3.jpg?200&nolink }} This section is divided according to Frogwares teams. Here is all the other documentations which is out of projects and is always up-to-date. Section [[unreal_engine_4:other:homepage|Other]] contains info which is useful for everyone and is out from departments. | ^ [[:SherlockHolmes9:HomePage|Sherlock Holmes 9 (temporary name)]] ^ | {{:sh9_temporary_pic.jpg?200&nolink }} //“My mind rebels at stagnation, give me problems, give me work!” ― Arthur Conan Doyle, The Sign of Four// \\ \\ This section has all the info regarding our next project - Sherlock Holmes 9. Here are such main categories as [[sherlockholmes9:sh9_game:homepage|SH9 Game]], [[sherlockholmes9:sh9_cases:homepage|SH9 Cases]], [[sherlockholmes9:sh9_features_systems:homepage|SH9 Features & Systems]], [[sherlockholmes9:sh9_tools:homepage|SH9 Tools]], [[sherlockholmes9:sh9_openworld:homepage|SH9 Open-World]], [[sherlockholmes9:sh9_characters:homepage|SH9 Characters]], [[sherlockholmes9:sh9_sounds:homepage|SH9 Sounds]], [[sherlockholmes9:sh9_QA:homepage|SH9 QA]], [[sherlockholmes9:sh9_milestones:homepage|SH9 Planning & Milestones]]. | ---- ===== Discussion ===== [[discussion:homepage]] /* **Latest Frogwares news** {{changes>ns=news&render = list(signature)}}\\ [[news:news| more news]]\\ **Latest Changed Documents** {{changes>render = pagelist(signature)}}*/ ----- //To create, view or edit something you must be loged in with your Mantis account.// {{NEWPAGE}}\\ ---- [[http://frogwares.com|{{ mantis_logo.gif | Frogwares Homepage }}]] {{pagehere}}